Mission Global Fellowship, started, in the late 1990s by Gerturde (Garrett) Nichols and myself, Dr Charles Leslie Jr. She was the Mission Mobilizer of African Americans, for Wycliffe Bible Translators in Dallas, TX. As we kept talking about how to gather pastors to make them aware of their responsibilities to equip their congregations for the Great Commission. That was left to the church by Jesus Christ in (Matthew 28: 18-20).
Thus, Mission Global Fellowship was born. We started meeting at Southern Bible Institute & College in Dallas, TX. We meet monthly, for two hours, on the 4th Saturday of each month.
Our focus of our meetings was to:
Praise God and worship him who he is
Pray for mission organizations and missionaries and their work, along with mobilization
Promote global missions through education, a Bible lesson is presented
Provide opportunities to go on short term mission trips
Proclaimed field reports as missionaries return from the field
While being a professor at Southern Bible Institute & College the mobilization process started for me. During class I was sharing a recent mission trip I had taken, one of the students in the back of a class, said, "Reverend Leslie take us." So, 12 students a professor, and myself, took a journey for two weeks to Uganda, Africa. Gene Wright and his wife Angela were our host. Who were African Americans working with Young Life, at the time. In 2003 was the very first team of students out of Southern Bible Institute & College in its history, going on a foreign mission trip.
We continue to meet even during the COVID-19 pandemic, virtually on zoom and conference calls.